

copyright, publishing contract, author, publisher, publishing agreements


The publishing contract is still an insufficiently researched topic in our legal theory, and the necessary literature is modest and few. Although the publishing contract, as a special contract on the transfer of intellectual property rights, has been studied by numerous foreign and domestic theoreticians, this institute deserves much more attention in the professional literature. As the publishing contract has become extremely important in modern publishing business on the domestic and international level, it should be noted that it has been dealt with in detail in our legal literature since the seventh decade of the 20th century.

The publishing contract is significantly different from other more widely known contracts that define the rights and obligations of authors and publishers, and its application speeds up business communication and cooperation between publishing houses on the one hand and authors on the other. It is necessary to point out that the publishing activity in our country is still not sufficiently developed, in contrast to countries with strong economic growth, so that the effects and consequences of the publishing contract sometimes lag behind countries and legal systems with a tradition in regulating the publishing activity.

The topic of the paper will cover the origin of the publishing contract, the general concept and types of publishing contracts, then the subjects of the publishing contract, their rights and obligations, and finally methods of the termination of the contract.


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How to Cite

Smikić, M. (2025). BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUBLISHING AGREEMENT. Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta Univerziteta U Prištini, 2023(1), 309–327. Retrieved from