food sovereignty, agroecology, industrial agricultural production, right to food, sustainable rural developmentAbstract
The subject of the scientific paper is food sovereignty and agroecology, as alternative agri-food systems, aimed at sustainable development of small agricultural producers. These food systems have been developed to prevent the harmful effects of the current prevailing industrial or corporate way of food production, and these consequences can be manifested in the form of: permanent hunger and malnutrition on a global scale, increasing poverty, environmental destruction and human health, in the form of the expansion of the climate crisis, as well as the loss of biodiversity. Today, Serbia is facing a challenge: how to protect small agricultural producers and encourage food sovereignty and agroecology, while enabling the industrial production of large agrosystems, whose investors are foreigners. Strengthening food sovereignty and agroecology enables small agricultural producers and consumers in the local community to gain democratic control over food production factors and exploitation of natural resources (land, water, forests, etc.), while reducing rural poverty, creating new jobs, increasing income, improving nutrition and human health.
The aim of this scientific paper is to consider the right of foreigners to acquire ownership of agricultural land in Serbia, then to point out the need to protect and improve the position of small agricultural producers and the population in rural areas, as well as to preserve natural resources. resources and improve human nutrition and health. As the problems of rural development in Serbia are almost equal to the problems in other countries, the conclusion is that the application of food sovereignty and agroecology in Serbia is necessary, desirable and justified.
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