
  • Strahinja Obrenović University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences


energy vulnerable customer, energy poverty, energy efficiency, energy market


Energy poverty has been recognized as a problem at the beginning of the 21st century, both globally and at the European level. It is a phenomenon that pose a challenge even for developed countries, but which is certainly more present in developing countries and especially in the underdeveloped countries. However, we still do not have a single definition of energy poverty, and it differs from country to country and depends on many circumstances. The aim of this paper is to point out some characteristics of the energy poverty that are identical for all countries and regions, as well as to highlight the differences that may occur when defining and measuring energy poverty, which consequently affects the various measures and strategies needed to tackle this problem. In the European Union, concepts of energy vulnerable customers and energy poverty have been recognized in legally binding acts, especially after the adoption of the so-called Third energy package. When it comes to Serbia, the category of energy vulnerable customer is recognized by the Law on Energy, and regulated in more detail by the Decree on Energy Vulnerable Customer, while the concept of energy poverty was defined only in 2021 through the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Recognition of these concepts was a significant step towards a better protection of vulnerable customers. In practice, there still remains to see the effectiveness of measures taken with the aim to reduce or even to eradicate the energy poverty.


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How to Cite

Обреновић, С. (2025). PROTECTION OF VULNERABLE ENERGY CONSUMERS THROUGH THE INTRODUCTION OF ENERGY POVERTY . Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta Univerziteta U Prištini, 1(1), 151–172. Retrieved from