human rights, politics, parties, corruption, campaignAbstract
The fact is that political corruption represents a significant problem both at the national and global level. It represents a complex phenomenon which effects a number of segments of the society - its economic development, as well as education, health, culture, national security, but, before all, the realization and protection of human rights and freedoms. There is no doubt that political corruption has existed for time immemorial, being the innate part of many social orders, but the approaches to fight this negative social phenomenon, both at national and global scale have not always been resolute. In that context, many authors have emphasized its duration from the ancient times (it was regulated by Roman law), until the present time. Due to extremely damaging effects of the corruption in general, particularly political corruption, in this paper the author presents in details the most common forms of corruptive behavior, such as bribery, fraud, nepotism, patouflage, extortion and trading in influence.
The international community and every single country need to wage a constant war against this type of organized crime by adopting adequate laws and, before all, by implementing them in practice. Otherwise, legislative and incriminating activities against this negative trend will remain a dead letter. This requires a cooperation between all institutions at all levels, from the local communities to the global scene. In that context, a number of conventions were adopted in Europe and worldwide at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century aimed at preventing the corruption. The Republic of Serbia needs to harmonize its legislation to be in line with these documents, as well as to respect and implement the adopted norms. The corruption spoils the politics and ethics of a society, while the political corruption and unregulated financing of political parties leave the space for various forms of the institutional and financial abuse. Such fraudulent conduct blocks political and economic reforms since the corrupted politicians “do not want to interfere” and in this way obstruct the development of their country. The special attention should be given to election cycles which, by rule, should result in population choosing the best - the most competent, honest and incorruptible representatives to lead them. If it is not the case, then, the members of parliament and the holders of the most important political and public positions will not be able, or will not want or dare lead their country into prosperity by “having mind of their own”. Instead, they will be just an instrument acting upon orders of their principals and will implement the policies defined by wealthy individuals or certain interest groups.
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