

victims of crime, protection of victims' rights, primary traumatization, corpus of victims' rights


In order to reduce the effects of revictimization and secondary victimization, there has been significant normative activity at the international level and the development of a different concept of treatment of victims of crime. Instead of being a victim in criminal proceedings, a new paradigm based on defining and protecting the basic rights of victims is beginning to develop. In addition to the normative regulation of the basic rights of victims of crime, basic standards are prescribed in the procedure at all stages of the procedure, modalities of compensation for damages or reparation of victims, as well as assistance and support to victims. As a result of activities at the international level, the development of a new concept of treatment of victims of crime is beginning to take shape in national criminal legislation and requires special analysis in order to define adequate normative solutions, to which this paper is dedicated.


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How to Cite

Грујић, З. (2025). NORMATIVE REGULATION OF THE RIGHTS OF VICTIMS OF CRIMES. Zbornik Radova Pravnog Fakulteta Univerziteta U Prištini, 1(1), 85–101. Retrieved from